Coaches play a unique and indispensable role in Special Olympics around the world. Coaches provide the sports skills and spirit that define a true athlete. In addition, coaches are role models and character builders. Coaches give athletes the most immediate awareness of their own worth, ability, courage and capacity to grow and improve. Coaches are the key to a successful sports experience for the Special Olympic Athlete. As a Special Olympics Coach, I agree to the following Coaches Code of Conduct.
Coach Training and Progression Plan: To learn more on how to be certified as a Special Olympics Arkansas coach click here.
- Undergoes classroom and hands on training and certification process designed specifically for the needs of a developmentally disabled athlete. For complete details on the certification process, please contact us.
- Primary contact person for sport.
- Maintains athletes' records and completes registration process for competition.
- Works with Special Olympics staff to select training site and time.
- Organizes practices with other coaches and all athletes.
- Attends competitions with the athletes. Liaison for upcoming Coaches Training and Certification schools, encourages assistant coaches to become certified.
- Is not required to become certified, helps out with practices.
- Assists coach with assessing athlete skills.
- Not necessarily expert in sport but comes to practice 75% of the time.
- Does not travel to competitions unless asked by head coach.
Example Workouts and Training Schedules:
- Click here to view our SOAR Workout Video
- Coaches Guidebook
- Coaching Unified Sports
- Coaching Special Olympic Athletes
- Principals of Coaching
- Concussion in Sports and Online Concussion Training
- Autism
- Concussion Card
- Safety Protocols
- Coaches Health Education Resources
- Special Olympics Online Learning Portal - Coaches will find resources for Sport, health and basic certification within this portal
- "Sport Teaches Us" Video